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@lucidbirdgal figurative contemporary artist rinne corinne f.


FEB - MARCH 2024
Selected Participant (Award Results  Pending)

14th Biennial National Art Exhibition, hosted by the Visual Arts Center in Punta Gorda; one of 122 selected for juried show, 562 entries; Punta Gorda, FL 

Print Publication Feature  

Arts to Hearts Project: ATH Magazine: Print Issue #5 featuring selection of 35 International Women  Artists 

Print Publication Feature

New American Paintings: Annual Juried-Exhibition-in-Print: Issue #166, South Region Issue—one of forty winners selected from over a thousand applicants per issue/region— a four-page, full-color spread in New American Paintings. Five of the annual competitions focus on geographic regions (Northeast, South, Midwest, West and Pacific Coast), and the sixth is only open to current Masters of Fine Arts candidates who are attending schools based in the United States, and current year graduates.

APRIL - MAY 2022
Selected Participant

ArtFields Collective 2022 Juried Competition, one of 400 works by Southeastern artists exhibited and competing for awarded prizes;

Lake City, SC 

Print Publication + Virtual Feature 

Arts to Hearts Project x All She Makes: "Gaze"  Virtual Exhibit with 30 Selected International Women Artists & Magazine Feature in All SHE Makes, issue #3 (int'l print publication)

APRIL - MAY 2021
Selected Participant 

ArtFields Collective 2021 Juried Competition, one of 400 works by Southeastern artists exhibited and competing for awarded prizes; 

Lake City, SC

FEB - MARCH 2020
First Place, Excellence Award

12th Biennial National Art Exhibition, hosted by the Visual Arts Center in Punta Gorda; one of 150 selected for juried show, 537 entries; Punta Gorda, FL 

Corinne was born and raised in Daytona Beach, Florida. As early as 3 years old, she became a student of watercolors and acrylics while under the tutelage of her maternal grandmother. Art and creativity quickly became and have been an integral part of her daily bread since. 


After graduating college with a BFA in Graphic Design, she worked in the field for a while but became jaded after her father's death. The need for more human interaction, freedom, and physicality led Corinne to become a licensed massage therapist while continuing to freelance design and paint. The stories of us greatly influence her—an exploration of form, emotion, feminism, culture/ethnicity, history, social constructs, spirituality, and her own misadventures as a "tall southern biracial BBW with hair and soul as wild as the day is long"—her heritage is a significant source of personal pride and curiosity. Simply, she's a figurative artist with penchants for acrylic paints, love,  the underdog, and that wide open space outside the box.


Inspired by the human condition and spiritual fortitude, my overall goal is to shine a light on the "other" and underrepresented, to linger on the beauty of "different" until it resonates elsewhere. As a tribute to enough—having had enough, recognizing being enough—I create depictions of relatable feminine power, dignified endurance and defeat, quiet inner storms, and dynamic positive  Black representation.

More specifically, these last few years *side-eyeing  2020*  have loudly and boldly shown us a mostly hidden ugliness that exists among society, yet also revealed a resilience, righteousness, and complex beauty dwelling within us too. Despite the opposition of blind complacency, denial, and the bevy of emotions swirling about (like anger, frustration, desperation, and fear), we spotlight injustices. We show up and show out to rally against them with our middle fingers high and our best foot forward.

In short(ish), my work has become my quiet love song to us, to all of the aforementioned, and I pray that it's received and felt in the same spirit. So, friends, here's to "different," to pride, to tiredness and joy, to resilience, evolution, resistance, to acceptance and love of self and others. ♡

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© 2021 Corinne Forrester, Lucidbirdgallery, @lucidbirdgal

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